Bloggers you too can receive products to review!

Being a customer of Purex for years has had its perks.  Clean clothes, great prices, coupons and innovative products, etc.  But I can honestly say, being a blogger and a Purex Insider was the best perk of them all!  As a blogger, I can receive Purex products just for reviewing new products and giving my honest opinion about it.  Okay, I am sure you are thinking that Purex means just Laundry Detergent, oh no!  Products that I had to review were Soft Scrub Kitchen and Bathroom cleaners.  Borax, Toilet bowl cleaners, Combat ant & roach killer, Dial Body Wash and more.  In return, you are to post on your blog your opinion after usage!  That's it!  No strings attached!  No fees, No gimmicks.  You can hold contests/sweepstakes for Purex products which produces more new readers! 

Let's see if you are a perfect match for Purex Insiders Program:

Do you?
  • blogs about savings, product reviews and giveaways
  • enjoy using social media
  • blogs about family friendly content
If so, you are a great candidate for becoming an Purex Insider!  Bloggers that are interested in becoming a Purex Insider, follow this link and sign-up! 

Don't hesitate wondering if this is true.  I was a skeptic.  But now I am a Purex Insider and loving it!


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