A Big secret about a LiL Giveaway.
Gleam code: Lil' Gadgets Kids Wireless Bluetooth Headphones $65
product, tech
Lil' Gadgets Kids Wireless Bluetooth Headphones $65http://i1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii494/Holyjeanschic/Blog%20Images/Lil%20Gadgets%20Giveaway%20Image_zps6yhlggs2.jpg
Mom can I have a phone please? Mom, I will do anything for a phone! How many of you had your child beg you for something they desperately desire? Too many times to count. I know firsthand. My daughter has been asking for a phone for a while and it has been a no go. She doesn't know it yet, but I plan to get a cheapy, beepy phone. She is only ten and most ten year olds will lose it. But until she becomes more mature, the least expensive phone will be hers to own. Hopefully, she doesn't get teased about it being so cheap. I have a plan b incase she is teased. I plan to enter a special giveaway for a free Lil Gadgets Wireless Bluetooth Untangled Pro Headphones. Definitely a cool factor for kids. She rides the bus with many kids. If I needed to call her while she is on the bus, I don't want the other kids to see that she has her own phone and try to take it from her. If I won one of Bluetooth Pro headphones, she wouldn't have to take her phone from her backpack as well as, appear cool talking to me on these colorful Bluetooth Untangled Pro headphones for kids.
i like the green
ReplyDeleteThanks for noticing! Afterthought...green for money! LOL!