Now this is a way to save money big time!

What would you say, if I told you can save money by making your own laundry detergent?  Anyone can do it too!  Super easy.  Just purchase the following ingredients and start saving.  Here are two recipes for making your own laundry detergent. 

First Recipe

2 cups  soap flakes
1 cup baking soda
1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax

Combine each ingredient.  Place mixture in a glass container or bucket.

Second Recipe

4 cups  soap flakes
2 cups washing soda
2 cups borax

Mix the ingredients and put in a glass container. 

Please try each recipe and comment about which recipe is the best to use.  I know I will try this out!

By the way,  you can also save on Fabric Softner.  Just use 1/2 cup baking soda.
Now I just saved you some $$$$.


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